Friday, January 15, 2010

Allow myself to introduce myself......

I am currently 47 years old, married for 26 years with three boys and starting back at "GO". My husband is a builder and I am a designer/realtor in Middle Tennessee and that dadgummed economy zapped us! The next thing I knew, we were starting over with two teenaged boys and a four year old (oooopsababy!) Here's a confession: I am happier in the rental ranch than in one of the many "mansions" we squatted in. However, I do miss that steam shower! Oh well, there's always the Y sauna. Anyhoo....I am currently working on my "efficiency" kitchen. Sorry I don't have any "BEFORES" to share but just think "vanilla." Again, this is a rental so there's only so much one can do, i.e. rugs, paint, drapes, etc. But.... I bought a new light fixture! It isn't here yet but consider this a "teaser." I figured come move time, I can......wait, my HUSBAND can switch the lights out again and Mr. Landlord can have HIS selection back, no harm, no foul.

In this photo, the old light fixture. More changes, coming soon........

1 comment:

Anonymous said...